Cultural & Environmental Systems, Inc.

"Managing the Future to Preserve the Past"         

Cultural & Environmental Systems is located in Tucson’s historic Armory Park Neighborhood and National Register District with over 2500 square feet of office space, laboratory, and storage space for collections and equipment. The firm is located in the former residences of Perfecto Elias, one of Tucson’s pioneers.

The company owed facilities include an in-house library of selected professional journals, reference books and manuscripts pertaining to law, historic preservation, ecology, data bank management, architecture, ethnographic studies, remote sensing, mining, historic artifacts and structures, soils and geology.

The firm maintains a map collection of USGS topographic maps (7.5 and 15 Minute Series) for Arizona, New Mexico and California; selected historic General Land Office (GLO) maps for Arizona and New Mexico; aerial photographs,selected homestead plats and historic Tucson City maps.

The firm’s space is divided between office and lab facilties. The lab has a, wet lab, clean lab for artifact processing, cataloging and analysis; work stations for drafting and photography, and secure storage areas for collections. Young Alarm, Inc, (Tucson) monitors the office and laboratory space for security and fire protection with a state-of-the-art cellular system.

Computers, desktop and laptops are linked to laser printers for efficient access during analysis and report production. QuickBooks and Microsoft Office programs are used for project planning and scheduling bookkeeping payroll, project tracking, and job budgets). E-mail and facsimile (FAX) capabilities are available in-house for immediate communications with clients and agencies. In-house duplication is available for small reports, analysis sheets and field forms.

Company policy dictates that artifacts and project records be curated with regional institutions. Curation agreements are held with the Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson and the Museum of New Mexico Laboratory of Anthropology, Santa Fe New Mexico for specific projects. On an interim basis C& E S, Inc. can curate project specific materials.

Sufficient field equipment is owned by the firm to outfit 20 employees. A variety of field equipment is available for projects including 4-wheel drive vehicles, FM headsets and transceivers, hand tools, digital cameras and 35 mm cameras and lenses.  To aid in mapping and locating resources Global Positioning  System (GPS) units, Brunton compasses with tripods and legs; transit, alidade and plane-table; rods (English and metric) are available  in-house. The laboratory is equipped with electronic scales, binocular microscopes, digital calipers, flotation and geological sieve screens; acid bath facilities, drying racks and tables for laboratory processing and analysis. In addition, a variety of hand tools, equipment for reconstruction and stabilization are available.

Land Use Permits

Current and completed C&E S projects have required a variety of federal, state, and tribal land use permits with different processes and the necessity for the firm to establish adequate repository arrangements at approved institutions. C&ES currently holds the following permits:

Ø  Arizona State Museum (Arizona Antiquities Permit) to conduct non-collection archaeological and paleontological surveys in Arizona. The current permit (2011-62BL) is effective through December 31, 2012 and is renewed yearly. The firm also holds a repository agreement with the ASM.

Ø  Bureau of Land Management-Blanket Permit (Cultural Resource Permit No AZ-000484)

 to conduct non-collection survey on Bureau of Land Management lands in Arizona. The permit is effective through August of 2014, at which time it will be renewed.

CES has held federal Antiquities Permits for project specific research involving survey, phased testing/ data recovery and monitoring with the USDA Forest Service, the Navajo Nation and Bureau of Indian Affairs-Window Rock; ARPA survey and testing permits for the Navajo, San Carlos Apache and Tohono O’odham (San Xavier District) Nations; and survey, and phased testing and data recovery permits with the Bureau of Land Management.


Public Awareness and Community Involvement

C&ES strongly believes in public education and community outreach programs to inform the public about cultural resources in their communities and in Arizona as a whole. These programs engender community pride and preservation efforts. The public is provided with a viable return for tax dollars invested or Arizona Heritage Funds expended. The firm has an on-call speaker’s bureau available to schools, teachers groups and service organizations. The focus of the firm’s effort is primary through high school age students with special programs for adult service groups. Public participation in both Archaeology and Historic Preservation Months have provided C&ES with opportunities to conduct walking tours in historic National Register of Historic Places Districts and neighborhoods (Barrio Libre and Armory Park), public tours of archaeological sites, and  conduct historic preservation workshops for neighborhood groups. The firm has participated in the Southern Arizona Home Show sponsored by the Southern Arizona Home Builders Association (S.A.B.A). The exhibits have featured hands-on excavation for adults and children along with public lectures. The displays have been well received by adults and children and received a First Place Award in the Best in Presentation Category. In conjunction with the Arizona Game and Fish Department Region V, C&ES provided an educational display and hands-on /interactive educational exhibit as part of Arizona’s Archaeology Month.

C&ES Public Displays/Workshops/Lectures



Robson Communities Saddlebrooke  (2000)


Arizona Game and Fish Department-Arizona Archaeology Awareness Month Archaeology Exposition  (1998)


Southern Arizona Home Show (SABA)-”Cultural Resources Management Archaeology and Process”(1987)


Southern Arizona Home Show (SABA)—“Discovering Tucson’s Earliest Home Builders” (1988)


Southern Arizona Home Builders Association Table  Talk  Exhibit (Various Years)


Pima County Public Works- “The Continental Site (AZ EE:1:32[ASM])”


The Herder Companies-Mesquite Creek Development (AZ BB:9:141[ASM]: A Hohokam Farmstead})


Epoch Properties Canyon View at Ventana Development (AZ BB:9:147 ASM Kolb Road Site) An Archaic –Hohokam Resource Site.


Tucson Children’s Museum- "Prehistoric  Peoples of the Tucson Basin”


Brochures/ Guidelines:

The Perfecto Elias Residences


Barrio Historico Historic Design Review Guidelines



Preservation Workshops for Barrio Historic/Barrio Viejo and Santa Rosa Neighborhoods


Teacher Workshops for the Tucson Unified School District


Volunteer Organizations /Non-Profits

Tucson Children’s Museum-lectures/workshops


Tucson unified School District-lectures


Amphi School District-lectures


Barrio Historic Neighborhood Association –walking tours and lectures


John  A. Valenzuela Youth Center-workshops


Private School lectures and presentations

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